A content marketing strategy needs to be current if it’s going to be successful. Adapting the way that you design your content marketing to take into account the current conditions, as well as changes to your own business, will always be essential when it comes to successful marketing. This is even more vital now in 2021 when content marketing has such a vastly different context – thanks to the pandemic – than it did this time last year. To give you a steer on where to start these are some of our top content marketing trends for 2021.

Online is where it’s at

With lockdown conditions in place all over the UK, now more than ever a robust online presence is essential. This is where all the interaction is taking place with consumers and that’s not likely to change in the near future. It makes sense to invest in your content to ensure that it stands out and that it instantly shows customers what your brand is about.

Video content is an effective way to engage

From business meetings over Zoom to daily lessons carried out via video conferencing, this year we are all using video and live streaming much more. It’s also much easier to create video content now, and video has become something that users aren’t just used to but will actively choose to engage with, so there’s no reason not to try it for your brand.

Mobile assets make a lot of sense

A mobile-friendly website is just the starting point when it comes to meeting the needs of your customers. Apps and in-game mobile marketing are two examples of the way that mobile assets are increasingly being used to attract consumers. However, if you don’t have the resources for this there are other ways to optimise for mobile, from third party plug-ins that integrate mobile-enhancing features to mobile-first lead generation forms.

Content has a much bigger role to play in the buyer journey

There are now many more ways for content to serve your customers, especially when it comes to fulfilling a need for answers. According to Google 90% of users will pick up their devices for help or inspiration while in the middle of something – if your content holds that inspiration or answers then the buyer journey starts there.

Personalisation can make all the difference

Of course, just drawing a user in to your content may not necessarily result in a positive outcome – but if you’re using content-driven personalisation this is much more likely. This will encourage users to return to your site and explore it further. There are many ways to achieve this, from marketing automation campaigns that use previous engagement data to AI based writing tools that integrate data into your content creation process.

A multi-channel approach is key

There are now many more channels where your brand can engage – you may want to consider a cross-marketing tool that enables you to publish content across numerous platforms to achieve consistency. More channels may mean more work – and make sure you pick the right ones for your brand – but multi-channel marketing also means you’ll get more data on your audience and more analysis of a wider range of buyer journeys.

These are our top content marketing trends for 2021. Find out how Iconic Digital can help your business stand out online, get in touch today and call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Content Marketing Agency in London.