Over the past year the PPC world has seen a huge amount of evolution. Factors such as tech developments, new releases and a whole range of new features have created opportunities and options when it comes to doing more with PPC, whether that is reaching a new audience or reviewing current strategy. These are some of the trends that we’re going to see supporting these opportunities and gaining in popularity in 2022.

The rise and rise of automation

The options available for automation for ad management are going to continue to expand next year. If this is tech that your business hasn’t worked with yet then the starting point is going to be looking at what can be automated within your process, from bidding to creative. However, while this trend is going to continue to grow it’s important to remember that, for now, human oversight and guidance is essential to ensure that you’re getting value from the automation you use.

More detailed tracking

The key question for 2022 is going to be whether your business is measuring everything that it can measure in order to get the most from PPC strategy? Increasingly sophisticated tracking in ad platforms and analytics platforms is going to allow tracking to go beyond common goals, such as transactions and online contact forms.

Keyword match changes

Both Google and Microsoft Ads changed the way keyword matching functioned this year, for example removing broad match modifiers. As a result, 2022 is going to be the year to rethink keyword strategy, reviewing how keywords are matching and making any changes that are likely to be required as a result.

The customer match targeting strategy

This approach moves the focus on to first-party data, which has become critical given the recent crackdown on cookies. In-house data is provided to an ad platform to facilitate matching those customers with known users. It should enable you to reach those customers, or those that are very similar, with your ads and is available on almost every platform.

The need to test and update ad copy

Ok, so this isn’t a new trend – it’s a process that will be ongoing for most enterprises. For the best possible PPC ad performance, integrating ongoing testing and updating of your ad copy will be essential, not least because so much change is happening in ad formats next year. From the shift to a responsive search ads format to performance labels (Microsoft), there is a lot to bear in mind.

An increase in the use of responsive display ads

Using this type of ad opens up more inventory opportunities on display networks and can simplify the creative process. Display ads work very simply, dynamically mixing components such as headlines and images to ‘fit’ into the space where your business’ audience is most likely to be.

Paid Ads are going to remain critical to reaching the right audience in 2022 – and these trends are going to be driving the sector forwards. Find out how Iconic Digital can help your businesses advertising across all ads, get in touch today and call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Paid Advertising agency in London.