The online environment is constantly evolving. Staying current and visible means keeping on top of the latest developments and trends. The world has changed so much over the past year and it’s those organisations that are able to adapt and evolve that have the best chance of surviving and thriving in the year to come. So, what does that mean in terms of digital marketing in 2022 and the trends that could present the biggest advantages?

  • Greater integration of AI features. AI technology has a vast range of potential, from digital process automation to the way that it can be used in business forecasting and predictions. It also has a vital role to play when it comes to formulating digital strategies to attract and retain customers. There are so many different ways to use AI in digital marketing that it’s going to be one of 2022’s biggest trends, whether that’s in AI-based digital advertising or automating SEO.
  • A much more hybrid approach. Thanks to the pandemic digital marketing has gone hybrid and we are now seeing the integration of many more in-person elements into broader marketing strategy. This is particularly so when it comes to events, where a hybrid approach has many attractive benefits, from cost efficiency to being an eco-friendlier option.
  • Using digital marketing to promote non-profit values. 62% of customers want brands to take a stand on issues that matter, whether that is the environment or more socially responsible and transparent sourcing. In the digital marketing world this means integrating consideration of what you want your messaging to be when you’re designing your 2022 strategy. That could include a collaboration with a non-profit organisation with values that you can support or simply finding an effective way to showcase this side of your business so that consumers can get clear on what your values are.
  • Video as a tool of choice. The use of video content has increased significantly over the past 12 months, not least because consumers proactively want it. 93%, for example, say that video is useful when it comes to helping them choose which product to buy. Video marketing offers a way to create visually appealing content that effectively communicates what a brand is about. It’s incredibly versatile, whether you’re using it to show behind the scenes content for the business or ‘how to’ videos, and can bring fun and personality to brand communication.
  • Using content to optimise user experience. Google continues to prioritise quality content and this is going to be even more of a focus next year. The way that content is created will also need to take into account the increasing popularity of voice search – optimising content to accommodate voice command users is also going to be a vital part of ensuring that investment in content generates returns.

2022 is going to be an interesting year in digital marketing terms and these are some of the key trends likely to dominate the online landscape.

Iconic Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency in London that has the skills and know-how to help your business reach its full digital capabilities in 2022. To find out more about Iconic Digital’s award-winning digital marketing services get in contact today on 020 7100 0726.