SEO is a fundamental digital marketing channel, as it holds the basis for the rest of your online strategy. SEO makes your website more visible in Google searches under the term you think your audience is searching.

Content marketing is another vital area of your digital marketing strategy, whereby on-page content such as blogs, and off-page content such as Press Releases, work together to drive traffic to your site. But how do SEO and Content Marketing complement each other and why are they an effective combination?

Keywords, keywords, keywords

SEO is primarily looking at keywords to determine how relevant your website is to a particular Google search. It’s therefore important to identify the specific keywords your potential customers are likely to be searching for. Incorporating these into your content is essential but it should always flow and never reduce the overall quality of the written content.

Quality content boosts SEO

Despite the fact that SEO works largely based on the keywords featured within each site, Google’s algorithms actually take into account the quality of written content too. Spending time writing detailed blogs, with an average of 500 words, provides a place to include these keywords and phrases. At the same time it will provide engaging content and establish your business as a thought leader within your industry. This will increase the ranking of your site in Google searches, which will ultimately attract more visitors to your website.

Long-lasting or “Evergreen” content

As I’ve already mentioned, featuring keywords within your website’s content will get you to a better position in organic search results. However, the content you produce should vary between new, relevant “news” and content that is applicable at all times and will be equally as relevant in the future. In other words, you should share content that is not time-dependant. This will attract greater engagement on a long-term basis, particularly when shared across your social media platforms and generate a better return on your investment.

Content allows for link-building

Link-building is something that positively affects SEO. In the past, the quality of the links didn’t really matter, but this is no longer the case, as Google penalises websites for creating low-quality, ‘spam’ links. Content marketing is a great way to build useable and reliable links to your website. You can post press releases to different platforms which link back to your site, as well as sharing your own blog posts across social media, which will create further links.

SEO and Content Marketing together

Although SEO and content marketing have very different roles in any digital strategy, it is clear that content marketing has its part to play within building a powerful SEO strategy. If you’re looking to create a bespoke digital marketing strategy and have considered content writing and SEO services, give one of our team a call today on 020 7100 0726.