For some people, blogging might hold connotations of sharing pointless information, as more and more young people set up “blogs” as another social media platform to express their opinions. Marketing blogs are different to this, and when done properly, is a key part of any digital marketing strategy.

Why should you write a blog?

There are a number of reasons why blogging is such a key feature of digital marketing, and the first is that it is a tool to establish your company as a thought leader within your industry. Producing regular content that is relevant and current is a great way to demonstrate your skills and expertise, and engage with your potential customers. It is also a great way to contribute to your SEO as Google favours regular production of high quality content, so we would recommend writing one blog at around 500 words each week to post on your website.

Introduce and conclude your blog

Like most written articles, you should introduce and conclude your blog based on the topic you have chosen to cover. This will give your audience an insight into the topic and provide them with an opinion at the end depending on what you have concluded from your different points. Writing regularly gives you greater credibility, but this also means that it’s important to get it right and only use true information. For a clear way to introduce and conclude your blog, consider using your title or rewording your blog title to make sure that you address the question or topic directly. Finish with a call to action to encourage your readers to take action – whether this is to get in touch to find out more, or directing them to a specific page related to the topic discussed.

Guide readers through your points

Long pages of text can deter readers from looking at your content. Breaking your blog up can significantly increase engagement levels, for example using subheadings for your different points. This clear structure not only makes your key points immediately obvious to those skim-reading, but also breaks up the content into manageable sections, and keeps your content clear.

Pitch your language right

Pitching your language right is one vital consideration when blogging, since you must keep your target audience in mind. Using high-level industry jargon may be impressive to professionals within your industry, but in most cases your readers will have a lower level of understanding. They will be reading to find out more through interest, and possibly looking to purchase your goods or services – so you should write your blogs with your audience in mind to ensure that they are able to develop a good level of understanding without getting lost, but also demonstrating your expertise.

Use other channels to maximise reach for your blog

Social media is another core part of your digital marketing that works together with blog writing. Businesses can choose to share their blogs across social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, tailoring their approach differently depending on each platform.

SEO and social media are just two factors that combine with your content writing to ensure the success of your blog. To find out more about blog writing or other content marketing, give the Iconic Digital team a call today on 020 7100 0726.