Taking a fresh approach to your content marketing can be daunting when you think about the amount of new content that you need to produce for your websites and blogs. A great way to get started and save time is to repurpose old content that you have shared previously. How can you do that whilst ensuring that your content is still up-to-date and presented in a new, fresh way?

Methods for repurposing content

Choose content that has been popular and informative to reuse and repurpose. You can categorise and break down old content into different areas and topics to cover, or combine to create more detailed content. Some basic ways that you can repurpose your content include re-spinning past blog posts, editing and repurposing press releases, breaking down and expanding on different elements of existing content. But be careful – repurposing is far more than copying and pasting. Instead, rework your paragraphs taking the main themes to make your content unique.

Use previously successful topics

Look back over the past year and see which blog posts and content have received the most engagement via your website and social media platforms. Using Google Analytics to monitor the success of previous content will help you to see what topic were most popular topics.

If there are areas of these topics that you have not yet explored, you can use this to create new blogs and articles. This gives you the chance to update any details whilst including the latest industry hints and tips. Similarly, if you have produced multiple articles on similar things, then you could consolidate them all into a single summary post.

You could also ask different writers to contribute to writing your content to give a variety of different opinions and styles. Have a “guest blog” where different individuals within your industry share their thoughts on different themes. This gives old content a fresh face.

Plan your content marketing strategy in advance

Repurposing old content, particularly at the beginning of a new year, will give you the opportunity to plan further ahead with the content that you’re going to share. Creating an editorial calendar can be the easiest way to schedule the content to share and when it will be written and posted. This will help you to stay ahead of deadlines and share content consistently. Whether this is weekly or monthly, it is important to be producing content on a regular basis.

What are the advantages or repurposing old content?

Not only does repurposing old content save a lot of time, but it also has a number of other benefits. Did you know that repurposing can actually boost your SEO? Writing more about similar topics helps with keyword targeting. However, this only works if it is re-written completely; we don’t want any duplicate content – thank you!

When you repurpose content, you open up the chance for a whole new audience to engage with it as well as reinforcing your message to those who have read your content. Specifically talking about areas of interest in more detail will help make you a thought leader in your industry and raise your profile.

Does blog content make a shelf life?

If you have old content that you want to share again then go ahead and share it on your social media channels. It should still receive the same response as when previously published, especially since it can be made available at different time zones to reach a different audience effectively. In fact, the exact same post should still receive 75% of the same amount of engagement that the original did.

Don’t forget to share your content

Investing time in content marketing is costly. Whilst repurposing content can reduce your research hours, it is vital to make sure you have a distribution strategy so that your content gets read. First and foremost, make sure you share your content across your social media channels. But don’t stop there; encourage engagement via email marketing as well as through paid distribution channels. Finally, remember to engage with your readers through active commenting – invite questions and respond.

To find out more about content writing for your business or how to share this online, get in touch for a coffee and a chat today on 020 7100 0726.