According to one recent report, only 41% of content marketers have a documented content marketing strategy. This is the reason so many people think this is such a challenging process – and why, for some, content marketing can often feel chaotic and disorganised. If you’re going to make your content marketing a success in 2022 then you need a strategy, written down. These are some of the essential elements that you’ll need to bear in mind to ensure that strategy is effective.

Content marketing is a key focus

54% of B2B decision-makers spend at least an hour each week reviewing thought leadership content and 96% of buyers will focus on this before making a purchase. So, there are plenty of convincing arguments for ensuring that your content marketing strategy is solid. These are some of the simplest ways to do that:

  • It’s all about value. Self-focused content doesn’t work well today – instead, look at creating informative content that addresses questions or uncertainties your audience might have. Make sure you’re demonstrating your uniqueness by highlighting the expertise you have and how this can be used to deliver true value for your customers.
  • Make sure your strategy is multimedia. It’s not difficult to create multimedia content today and users respond to it, whether that’s on a social platform or your website. Video is especially popular, whether you’re using this to target specific audience segments or to find a new way to deliver long-form content more effectively.
  • Integrate your business blog. If your enterprise has a business blog – and is updating this regularly with quality content – then you’re halfway there in terms of the content marketing battle. Build your strategy around creating up to four blog posts for the business blog per month. These should be high quality posts that offer value to your audience, as opposed to announcements or headlines that are really only relevant to your staff.
  • Showcase your products and services. Make sure there is a part of your content marketing strategy dedicated to providing evidence to future clients and customers of how your business has helped others in the past. Case studies can be a great tool here, whether you add these to newsletters or blogs or have a dedicated page for them on the website. 64% of marketers say that case studies are effective, so they are worth integrating into your content marketing going forward.
  • Create consistency. Content marketing strategy can be targeted to improve brand reputation, sales or lead generation – and be very effective with each of these. The key is going to be delivering on a consistent basis so that you build trust and become a reliable source of a certain standard of information. The content strategy is where you can embed this consistency by scheduling it in at the right time and identifying exactly how you want to deliver it.

A robust content marketing strategy contains all these elements, which will be the key to helping to deliver success for your business in 2022. Find out how Iconic Digital can help create content for your business, get in touch today, call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Content Marketing Agency in London.