A key and strategic element to your digital marketing strategy is content and blog writing. Regularly updating your blog with content will give you topics to share about across your social media channels and drive more traffic to your site through SEO. It is therefore important to have an on-page blog that is updated once a week if possible. The content you’re sharing also needs to be good quality and show that you’re a thought leader within your industry. Here are some ways that you can demonstrate this through your blog.

Write posts that can be skim-read

Life can be hectic, and not everyone in business has the time to sit and read a lengthy post about the latest industry news. No matter how interesting your content is, you still need to make it reader-friendly, and in this case, it can mean making it suitable for those who also wish to skim-read over the content. Breaking up your blog with relevant headers will make it easier to take in and summarise your blog.

Provide helpful statistics

Depending on your topic, providing data and statistics can be an effective way of showing that you have industry knowledge, and to build your credibility. Talking about your own experience is another great way to be engaging.

Explore a range of topics and recycle old ones

Think about different topics that you could talk about to interest your readers, whether it’s industry news, discussion around the products or services that you offer, or something that’s going on within your business. It’s also fine to repurpose old topics from a different perspective. Why not take a provocative or biased but reasonable approach?

Vary your authorship

You may have a key person in your company who will have more authority and knowledge to write the blogs, however it’s always interesting to vary your authors. Get your staff involved and give different people the chance to write something that they find interesting or have particular experience and knowledge about, or why not ask a guest blogger from within your industry to provide you with a feature blog? This is also an effective way of reaching a wider audience.

Take inspiration from others

Whether it’s industry experts’ blogs or asking your customers what they want to know about, take time to find out what it’s really worth blogging about. Take a look at How to Repurpose Content in a Fresh Way or give us a call to discuss your strategy today on 020 7100 0726.

Author: Steve Pailthorpe – Follow us on Google+