Artificial Intelligence and the death of the internet as we know it. Act now to protect your business
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is not exactly new, especially if you work in marketing. However, 2020 proved to be a year in which the potential for AI became suddenly obvious, whether that was in supporting the development of vaccines, track and trace technology or allowing marketing strategies to adjust and expand to take into account the new reality of a COVID-19 stricken world. Looking ahead to the rest of 2021 it’s clear that AI is going to continue to be vital, and in particular these key trends.
No surprises here – this is something we’ve been talking about for a while and which has already begun to have relatively wide application. AI can process large volumes of data and anticipate appropriate actions – one of the most obvious ways in which this has been used in the past 12 months is the NHS Track and Trace app. Using data to improve forecasting has been at the centre of every governmental response to the pandemic and will be a critical tool for businesses this year too. AI enables companies to make better use of existing information and gain more perspective over the business, whether that is identifying new opportunities in customer behaviour or sales data or improving the accuracy of forecasting.
Most of us have already had the experience of talking to an AI via a chat box on a website or through customer service interaction – and you may not have been that impressed. One of the major trends of 2021 is the evolution of this AI to human interaction to something that is vastly more conversational and credible. AIs are likely to evolve to be much more versatile and to be able to handle a wider range of more advanced queries in customer facing roles, as well as being adapted to support more internal processes too.
If there was ever a year that underlined the need for digital transformation within businesses, 2020 was it. Ecommerce was already a burgeoning trend at the start of the year but six months in had become a necessity with age groups that had previously largely resisted it (such as the over 70s) getting in on the action. For a while life was lived almost entirely through digital platforms, triggering huge profits for digital sellers such as Amazon and a spike in the share price of video conferencing platform Zoom. For now this is a trend that is going to continue and there are many ways in which AI can support organisations looking to evolve into it. In particular, using AI to help define and deliver personalisation strategies will be a key tool for businesses looking to thrive in this new, digital-driven world.
We might still be a world away from AI that looks like independent thinking cyborgs but this technology is evolving at lightning speed – these are some of the key developments that we’re going to see in 2021, and beyond. To find out how Iconic Digital can implement best practice Artificial Intelligence into you digital marketing strategy, get in touch today, call us on: 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Digital Marketing Agency in London.