Fellow internet enthusiasts, today we’re here to talk about something that’s been causing quite a stir in the world of digital marketing in recent days. That’s right, we’re talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impending doom on the internet as we know it.

Now, before you start panicking and throwing your laptops out the window, let me explain. You see, AI has been making huge strides in recent years and is slowly but surely taking over many industries, including digital marketing. And while this may sound like a good thing (who doesn’t love a good robot takeover?), it could actually mean the end of the internet as we know it!

Think about it, the internet is a vast and complex place, full of different websites, platforms and content. But with the rise of AI, we could see a homogenisation of the internet, where everything starts to look and feel the same. Just imagine a world where every website has the same layout, the same content, and the same annoying pop-ups. It’s enough to make even the most tech-savvy amongst us shudder.

But it’s not just the homogenisation of the internet that we need to worry about. AI could also lead to a complete lack of creativity and originality in digital marketing. If machines are creating all the content, where does that leave us poor humans? Out of a job, that’s where!

And let’s not forget about the potential for AI to become self-aware and turn against us. Sure, it may sound like the plot of a bad sci-fi movie, but can we really afford to take that risk? Do we really want to wake up one day to find that our marketing campaigns have been taken over by an army of sentient machines?

What about all the Hype with ChatGPT and AI content?

AI is terrible at SEO. Yes, you heard that right. Despite all the hype surrounding AI and its ability to write content, it’s not very good at optimising that content for search engines. And it’s not just because AI has a limited understanding of language and context. It’s also because AI is just plain lazy.

You see, when it comes to SEO, there are certain rules and best practices that content creators need to follow in order to rank well in search results. These include things like using keywords, creating quality backlinks, and optimizing meta tags. But AI just doesn’t seem to care about any of that.

Instead, AI is more concerned with churning out as much content as possible, as quickly as possible. It doesn’t have time to worry about things like keyword density or link building. And as a result, the content it produces is often low-quality and poorly optimised for search engines.


Furthermore, Google’s algorithm is constantly grading content to see if it has been written with genuine intent. All writers, me included, add the occasional ezrror. Google looks at the style and written prose to determine if the content is genuine. So if you’re using automated AI to write content – beware! You might not just get any traffic to your website.

But that’s not the only reason why ChatGPT articles don’t get found in Google search results. Another factor is the sheer amount of content that’s being produced by AI. With so many articles and blog posts being generated every second, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for search engines to separate the good content from the bad.

And let’s not forget about the fact that AI-written content is often unoriginal and lacks personality. Sure, it may be grammatically correct and free of spelling errors, but it’s also boring and soulless. And in a world where people are constantly bombarded with content, it’s the unique and interesting pieces that tend to rise to the top.

So, what can we do to fix this problem? Well, for starters, we could try to educate AI on the importance of SEO. We could teach it about keyword research, link building, and on-page optimisation. We could show it how to create content that’s not only grammatically correct, but also engaging and informative.

But let’s be real here, that’s probably not going to happen anytime soon. So, in the meantime, we’ll just have to rely on good old-fashioned human writers to create content that’s optimised for search engines and actually worth reading. Learn how ChatGPT is impacting digital marketing here.

So, there you have it folks. The reason why ChatGPT articles don’t get found in Google search results is because AI is terrible at SEO and produces low-quality content. But don’t worry, there’s still hope for the future. We just need to keep pushing for better AI technology and continue to value high-quality content over quantity.

And in the meantime, we can all sit back and enjoy the hilariously bad ChatGPT articles that will inevitably continue to flood the internet. Who knows, maybe they’ll become a cult classic someday.

What can AI do for my marketing?

AI is like a virtual genie that can grant all your marketing wishes. Want personalised content? Boom, AI’s got you covered. Need a chatbot to keep your customers happy? Consider it done.

But that’s not all. With AI, you can automate your content creation, analyse your social media data, and even predict the future (well, sort of). It’s like having a marketing superhero on your team, except it’s not as cool as Batman or Superman.

And let’s not forget about ad targeting. AI can analyse user data to make sure your ads reach the right audience. No more wasted ad spend on irrelevant viewers who couldn’t care less about your product.

But perhaps the best thing about AI is that it can help you manage your online reputation. It can monitor social media mentions and assess brand sentiment in real-time, so you can quickly respond to negative feedback and nip any potential PR disasters in the bud.

So, there you have it. AI is like a virtual marketing assistant, but without the coffee runs and bad office jokes. It’s like having a robot sidekick, but without the cool laser beams and catchy one-liners. But hey, at least AI won’t spill coffee on your keyboard or steal your lunch from the office fridge!

Will AI take over the digital landscape?

What can we do to prevent this digital apocalypse? Well, for starters, we could all band together and start a resistance against the machines. We could form a secret society of digital marketers, dedicating our lives to protecting the internet from the clutches of AI. It might sound a bit extreme, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Alternatively, we could all just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. After all, who doesn’t love a good apocalypse? And with AI at the helm, we’re sure to see some pretty interesting things unfold. Just don’t forget to stock up on popcorn and barricade your doors before it’s too late.

In conclusion, AI may be the future of digital marketing, but it could also be the end of the internet as we know it. So, whether you choose to fight against the machines or embrace the chaos, just remember to keep a sense of humour about it all. After all, if there’s one thing that can survive even the most catastrophic of events, it’s British humour.


To learn how to use Artificial Intelligence effectively as part of your wider digital marketing strategy, speak to the real humans at Iconic Digital who will be pleased to audit your website and get your marketing working. And if you liked the style of this blog, why not give it a share for us on social media.