Iconic Digital is pleased to announce the development of a new website for Shred-on-Site, the UK’s leading independent paper shredding company. 

The Problem

Shred-on-Site’s website was built using an aging technology that did not allow them to make regular updates internally. The artwork was aging and the number of leads from their website was beginning to decrease. The site also suffered from a significant amount of spam hits and was not giving them the right brand image.

The website needed to be engaging and provide prospects with information. Integrated contact forms, social media integration coupled with an online quote system were all part of the specification. Shred-on-Site  decided to commission a premium Drupal Themed website.

The Solution – An Integrated Drupal Website

Shred-on-Site website

Iconic Digital created the new Shred-on-Site website using the award winning Drupal Content Management System (CMS). This solution has been developed to help optimise the website to appear in Google search as well as providing a simple back office web portal to change and update content. Users can now edit, create and move content on the website whenever necessary, updating it from the secure portal. 

Mark Coombes, Commercial Director commented, “We have been delighted by the level of care that Iconic Digital has shown in the development of our new website. The project was expertly managed from start to finish and was delivered ahead of schedule.”

Integrated within the website is an IP tracking code that enables the company to monitor business users that visit the website. Video presenters have also been configured to appear on website landing pages to reduce the bounce rate and increase conversion.

The website has been fully rewritten to optimise the content for search and the company’s social media platforms have been integrated through a content syndication strategy. This ensures that fresh unique content is written on a daily basis and syndicated across the company’s digital channels.

“All in all, I would have no hesitation recommending Iconic Digital to you. They have been an absolute pleasure to work with and their marketing expertise has helped us to improve our wider digital strategy.” said Company Director, Adam Chandler.

Included with the website upgrade, Iconic Digital completed a full search engine optimisation audit whilst recommending changes to the coding and structure of the website to improve search engine performance. Iconic Digital provided a bespoke training package for the Shred-on-Site team and continues to support and host the website on our super-fast web hosting platform. 

Find out more about Website Design London here.