Digital marketing is becoming more and more commonplace within the marketing strategy of businesses, however one element that is only more recently being targeted is how to suit those visitors visiting your website or social media platforms from mobile devices.

Mobile users are increasing

With 80% of people that use the internet owning a smart phone, it is no surprise that mobile users are choosing to browse the web using their mobile, instead or as well as a normal laptop or desktop computer. The variation of visitors means that multichannel usage is extremely common, so it’s important to ensure that your digital strategy is suitable for both desktop and mobile users.

#1 Design your website for mobile

Google now penalises any websites that are not mobile-responsive, because there are so many more mobile users. They are there to serve the person searching, to give them the most useful information related to their search, but also in a readable and user-friendly format. This means that sites which are not mobile-responsive will have lower search rankings.

Making your website mobile-friendly will encourage mobile users to stay on your site for longer as they can read and navigate the content easily. Page loading speeds should also be fast, as mobile users are less likely to wait a long time for a page to load, and will simply look somewhere else. Make sure to use images on your site at a resolution at no higher than 96dpi so that they are the highest definition for the website, but reduce the loading time.

#2 Keep your text short and clear

Mobile or tablet users will see a smaller amount of text on their screen when looking at your website, so it’s important to keep it short and concise so that they’re not overwhelmed with content. This will help your website overall as it will eliminate any unnecessary content, and get to the key points. Break up your text into bullet points and subheadings to make each section clearer, and direct users to different sections of your site.

#3 Use imagery carefully

Imagery is different on mobile, and it’s important to ensure that all images are also optimised for mobile use. Using percentages instead of set pixel sizes will tell your images to scale accordingly to display correctly for your mobile users. You should also make sure that you use the Alt Text function in case images are unable to display, and choosing to include keywords can also boost your SEO at the same time.

#4 Target SEO terms by location

Google now also determines the order of search results by location for mobile users, giving them the most local results as well as the most relevant to their search criteria. This makes it important to incorporate keywords across your website that include locations to increase visibility and give mobile users and those searching using a location the most chance of clicking through to your website.

For more mobile digital marketing tips, give one of the Iconic Digital team a call today on 020 7100 0726.

Author: Steve Pailthorpe – Follow us on Google+