Human beings love consuming video content. In fact, we consume billions of hours of it every day via platforms like YouTube. However, it’s not just cat videos or entertaining trends that can achieve significant reach via video platforms but your marketing messages and branding too. In fact, YouTube has become one of the most effective ways for any brand to reach new customers online, to build brand loyalty and start influencing customer behaviours.

Why is YouTube such an up and coming digital marketing tool?

Whether you’re talking about YouTube TV or using the platform for exercise videos, DIY tips, recipes or even something like guided meditations, YouTube videos now reach many more people than it’s possible to do with traditional cable networks. It’s also worth noting that online video ads get more than 18 times more attention than traditional ads and are incredibly popular, especially with younger generations. 75% of Gen Z, for example, aspire to be a vlogger. So, a lot of attention is already directed at YouTube, which is why it’s such a vital place for any brand to be.

Use YouTube to help customers find out more about your brand

So many of us turn to YouTube when it comes to discovering new brands – or getting to know the brands we already buy from better. As a platform, YouTube offers the opportunity for customers to get more information than they could from a written testimonial or review and also to start the journey towards making a purchase. 68% of shoppers have used YouTube to make a purchasing decision so it’s becoming increasingly vital for every brand to have a presence on the channel. There are many different ways that you can use YouTube as a digital marketing tool – these are some of the content options that tend to prove popular:

  • How To videos – the number of these videos is growing by more than 70% a year. They are a great way to prove expertise, show customers how to use your products or solve problems.
  • Customer testimonials – video testimonials are incredibly powerful, as they show why other customers would recommend your brand and what you’re selling.
  • Humanising your brand – video presents a great opportunity to put a human face to your brand, whether that is behind the scenes footage, videos from events or introducing your team.

A YouTube channel can affect your local search ranking

YouTube has become the second largest search engine in the world after Google. Plus, YouTube channels and videos can give the SEO value of your website a positive boost and help you achieve more when it comes to ranking. Frequently name checking your business and keywords in video descriptions ensures that your videos show up more often when you’re being searched on Google. Plus, if you’re creating a consistent flow of good quality videos this can help you to stand out on both Google and YouTube.

YouTube is a vital digital marketing tool for any brand serious about growth today. Find out how Iconic Digital can help create content for your business, get in touch today, call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Content Marketing Agency in London.