It is widely known that social media plays an integral part of any digital marketing strategy. Since its launch in 2004, Twitter alone has 313 million monthly active users, along with Facebook, which has acquired over 1.71 billion monthly active users. Other popular social networking sites, designed more specifically for business use, such as Google Plus and LinkedIn offer another 300 million monthly users and 450 million users respectively. It is clear from these statistics that using social media to promote your business is a strong way to increase your audience reach beyond a local marketing campaign.

Real-time updates

Unlike many other social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter works by always displaying Tweets in chronological order, with the most recent at the top. This means that your followers will always see your posts in real-time and can respond accordingly. There will be times of the day when your followers are more active and likely to ‘like’ or ‘re-tweet’ your posts, so you can be sure to Tweet around the busiest times to reach out to the greatest number of people. All of your followers are also able to see every Tweet, meaning that any special offers, links and content that you’ve shared is continuously accessible to your followers. This is a strong marketing tool as it allows links to continue to direct customers to your site, as well as encouraging relevant conversations and dealing with any enquiries in good time.

Twitter keeps it short but sweet

One well-known unique feature of Twitter compared to other social media platforms is its 140 character limit per Tweet, meaning that is essentially a micro-blogging site. This encourages users to keep it short and sweet, giving a concise message that is quick and easy for followers to read. The character limit is enough to include links, which you can use to direct your followers to your website, which will in turn boost your SEO. Imagery and other media attached to a Tweet also currently affects the character count, however this is soon to change. Used wisely, different media can really grab the attention of your followers and encourage greater engagement and interaction.

Following back

Twitter gives your business credibility if you have a large number of followers, particularly compared to the number of people you are also following. This tempts many companies into buying followers, when in reality these are often empty, inactive profiles, which will do nothing to increase leads and conversions. However, the nature of Twitter means that you can strategically build up a relevant followership. When you follow others, they are more likely to follow you back, so by directly targeting and finding users within your industry or with useful contacts you can build an active and powerful followership.

Brand awareness

Twitter is not specifically designed to be used for marketing, but primarily as a social platform. This means that many of your potential customers are already using it socially to connect with friends and follow companies and brands that interest them. By sharing relevant content, you can build up followers and increase your overall brand awareness as your logo and branding are displayed.

All in all, Twitter provides great potential for building new contacts, increasing brand awareness, and building links to your site to boost SEO whilst redirecting leads all at the same time. It is a multi-functional digital marketing tool that can have a wide range of benefits for both B2B and B2C companies. Find out more about using Twitter and building a social media presence as part of your digital marketing by giving me a call today on 020 7100 0726.