The beginning of April has seen Twitter adding a new button, which enables users to share tweets using direct messages. Leading the way amongst other social sites, the social media site has simplified the ability to share content with others in a private message.

Sharing on Twitter previously

In the past, it was possible to share a tweet in a private message by first tapping it, then selecting “Send via Direct Message” in the settings. This is similar to the processes on other social sites, such as Facebook, where the steps are not too dissimilar.

The new sharing button

The new button provided is set to appear alongside other options below tweets, such as the retweet and reply buttons. This streamlines the whole process of privately sharing tweets with other Twitter users.

Consequences of the change

The introduction of the new button will ultimately make it effortless for Twitter users to share Tweets that they see. They’ll be able to do this at the press of the single button, before choosing who it is sent to as a private message. What may seem like a small change may just be a big jump forward for Twitter as it seeks to become even more user-friendly.

What does Twitter want to give users?

Twitter have said that the button aims to allow “richer” conversations through the site, which works hand in hand with the character limit for private messages being removed in 2015. The button appears as an envelope symbol and is now being pushed out to Android and iOS app users.

Other updates to Twitter

In addition to their new sharing button, Twitter have also announced a new feature for their mobile app which helps visually impaired users to make the most of the social network. It means that users can now add “alt text”, or a description that is up to 420 characters long, when uploading images. This will be accessible to those with assistive technology such as reading devices and braille displays.

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