It seems like there are always changes being made to the way that we interact with Facebook these days. However, over the summer Mark Zuckerberg announced a particularly momentous change that really will shift the way that many people use the social media platform. Facebook’s news feed is being split in two with a Home tab and a Feeds tab. The objective of doing this is to make it easier for Facebook users to see their favourite content when they’re online. So, what do you need to look out for where the redesign is concerned?

The Home and Feeds Tabs – What Are They For

  • Home – this tab will include a range of content that is being recommended to Facebook users on the basis of their actions and behaviours on the app.
  • Feeds – users can navigate to this tab to see content from whoever they follow on Facebook, whether that’s people, groups or pages.
  • As well as making Facebook a more user-friendly experience, the redesign is also going to make it more competitive with the likes of TikTok where the For You page shows users of the platform content from right across the app.

    The Home Tab – What to Look Out For

    This will be where users land when they first open the app. The Home Tab will show content the user is already following but will make it a priority to show recommended content from Facebook’s discovery feature. It is driven by AI that Facebook has designed to “help cut through the clutter” and rank content that is shown to users in a way that they will find useful. Shortform video is going to do well when it comes to ranking in this feed – as on Instagram, Reels and Stories should remain a priority for brands. One of the simplest ways to start doing this is to share your Instagram Reels to Facebook when offered the option to do so. Livestream video is also another way to get more exposure via the Home Tab. 69% of marketers say that Livestream is one of the most effective tools in their marketing toolbox – it’s an avenue worth investing in if more exposure is your goal.

    The Feeds Tab – What to Look Out For

    In the Feeds tab, users will see content from their pages, communities and groups and there will be no posts etc from Facebook’s Discovery feature. However, ads are still going to be shown in the Feeds tab and this is going to be an essential investment for any brands focused on getting seen this way. Feeds is separated into different sections: Pages, All, Favourites, Friends and Groups and the optimum will be for brands to run content across as many of these as possible. Create Facebook groups that will appeal to your target audience and then post irresistible content that is too good not to follow.

    The Facebook redesign is going to shake things up a lot when it comes to our feed. And this is what any brand needs to know about adapting to the change.

    When you start to find your feet on social media it can be an incredibly powerful tool for reaching new audiences with your business – and driving more people to your website as a result. To find out how Iconic Digital can help you with your social media strategy, get in touch today, call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Social Media Marketing Agency in London.