Social media is a useful tool for increasing your audience reach, improving brand awareness online and even generating leads. That being said, social media is often one of those jobs that can get delegated to someone within a company with little experience, and most likely doesn’t have time to tweet throughout the day or share and favourite content. With this in mind, here are some quick and simple ways to increase your social media posting in 2016.

Opportunities for Discussion

Look for the latest hot topics in your field; in Twitter’s case, searching for a relevant hashtag can be useful. Are there questions that are important to your customer base? For example, if you’re marketing chocolate bars, the question could be simple: Do customers prefer an entirely milk chocolate bar with Smartie pieces inside, or a darker chocolate taste with nuts? For situations like this, a simple poll would be enough to tell you what the majority of your customers prefer. You can also add questions like, “Tell us why?” or “Comment below what new flavour you’d like to see”. Open ended questions always create a far better opportunity for discussion and debate than multiple-choice questions.

Creating a Schedule

When creating a social media schedule, you can instantly reduce the level of effort that is needed to be consistent throughout your day in one single sitting of unbroken concentration. You can schedule your posts to ensure that you’re not wasting time logging in and out of your social media profiles at intervals throughout the day.

Finding Content That Drives Interaction

The ultimate goal on social media is to engage with your customers and potential leads, so let them determine the type of interaction that you use. Firstly, look at which social-media platforms are getting the most engagement. Are they primarily interacting with you on Facebook or is there a preference to communicate via Twitter? Even Instagram? If you look over your shared content regularly, you will soon find which platform works better for you. That’s not to say to dismiss the others but, ultimately, it’s about knowing which platform is the most effective to drive leads for your business. Also, finding interesting content to talk about is something that people struggle with the most, so one tip is to store any imagery, interesting blog posts or anything that coincides with your business’ key products and services and have them ready to post when you choose.

Learning to share, more than the one time

With Twitter for example, different people will see your posts depending on what times you’re posting them. Most of the time, people are scrolling and scrolling until something takes their fancy, but not everyone has the luxury to spend most of their day scrolling their timeline. This is why it is a good idea to share up to five times per day, as well as repurposing the same content after a period of time. If it is completely relevant and very interesting for your audience then make sure they get to see it. This really applies to Twitter, as it almost disappears as soon as you tweet, from a viewer’s timeline. It is a very fast paced platform, so sharing more than once is almost a must.

Find out more by reading about How to Increase Engagement with Your Followers on Twitter, or giving one of the Iconic Digital team a call today on 020 7100 0726.