Social media is a powerful tool when it comes to business growth, with each platform offering its own unique advantages and strengths. So, how can you maximise your use of LinkedIn platforms in your digital marketing?

Targeting relevant connections

One of the most significant advantages of using LinkedIn as part of your digital marketing plan is the ability to specifically target and connect with individuals who are part of a certain organisation that is of interest. This feature allows you to easily connect with people within a company that you would like to work with, establishing working relationships which can empower you to expand your audience and ensure that your message is being deliver effectively.

The best way to achieve this is to set out with a goal in mind. Whether you are out to generate leads or build brand awareness, you can use specific job titles or positions in your content to attract people within a certain industry or working in a certain position. For example, you could use titles such as “Managing Director” and “Senior Director” to target high ranking directors and decision makers, or “Marketing Manager” and “Marketing Leads” to target social media employees working and specialising in marketing.

Engage with your audience

In order to promote engagement and interaction within your audience, you will need to deliver a clear, effective message that’s relevant to the audience that you have created, making sure the approach you are taking reflects your brand voice and the tone that you wish to portray.

Another factor to consider is the time at which you are posting. If you are targeting B2B contacts, you are far more likely to see a greater response during working hours, especially at the beginning of the working day, as people arrive and check their social profiles, and at the end of the working day, as they check before they leave.

Creating an effective call to action

Even if you are targeting the right people and delivering an interesting message, your content might not see the return you are hoping for if you are not constructing an effective call to action within your message. For this, you will need to think about what you are hoping to achieve with each message, either linking to a relevant page where they can learn more, or giving instructions as to how they can get in touch and register interest.

If you’re looking for maximised return on LinkedIn profiles, or are looking for a fully outsourced social media package, get in touch today by calling our friendly, professional team on 0207 100 0726 today and we will be happy to talk to you about the best way to utilise the platforms available.