For most enterprises social media profiles aren’t the actual business – but they can still contribute an enormous amount to growth. Developing a strong following on social media not only gives you access to customers but also a way to communicate what your business is really about. These are our top tips on how to grow your business’ social media profiles to make them work more effectively for you.

  • Create a simple plan. You need to start by identifying the social media channels that are going to be the right fit for your business and the best way to reach your audience. Then, set the goals that you have in using these channels and what you want to achieve with them. Creating a consistent approach now will help to build up profile and trust.
  • What does your audience actually want? If you understand this then you’re much more likely to actually be able to give it to them. Is it entertainment, information or a chance to see new things first?
  • Design a social media strategy. This often starts with a marketing calendar that integrates what your audience wants and schedules content at the times when you feel it’s going to be best received.
  • Be a human being. Make sure that you’re responding and interacting as well as just posting and make your content conversational rather than full of marketing speak.
  • Optimise your website to support your social media profiles. Link your social profiles to your website and make sure there are visible buttons on the website where people can navigate straight to Facebook, Instagram or whatever platform you’re using.
  • Make sure your content is genuinely valuable. Poor content really turns people off these days and it’s an area of investment that every business needs to make. Valuable content adds something to the lives of those who are interacting with it, whether that’s insight or inspiration.
  • Add keywords. You can optimise your social media accounts with keywords just like any other part of your online presence and this will help your profiles to achieve more prominence.
  • Learn how to use hashtags. Effective use of hashtags can mean that your posts get a lot more traction on social media and attract many more people to your account. Just make sure that you’re using hashtags that are actually relevant to what you’re posting and don’t go overboard in terms of the number you use.
  • Use games and trivia. People love to answer questions and interact on social media and this is a great way to gain traction for your business. There are lots of features on each platform that make this easier, such as polls that users can vote on with the touch of a button.
  • Be ready for complaints. Many people use social media as a complaints channel because it’s perceived to be an instant way to communicate. It’s essential that you’re ready to pick up any complaints that come to you this way and to process them quickly and effectively.

Growing your business’ social media profiles can be transformative when it comes to profits and progress – these are just some of the ways that you can make a difference.

To find out how Iconic Digital can help you improve your business’ social media profiles, get in touch today and call us on 020 7100 0726. You can also explore our digital marketing services online today.