Social media is a fundamental element within any digital marketing strategy. Different platforms are constantly changing, which can make it tricky to keep up with best practice techniques. Following these simple steps is a good place to start to avoid making a social media faux pas and meet the rules of social media etiquette for businesses using social networks to market online:

Complete your profile

Completing your social media profiles in full will increase the effectiveness of your presence on social media. Most social networking platforms will have the ability to add a logo in different places, such as a banner image, to make your branding clear. For B2B companies, filling out the full details in your social profiles as an individual gives a face to your company and makes you seem easily contactable and more personal, compared to B2C companies who will often find that using their logo as the profile image will make them more easily recognisable to customers.

Use automation wisely

Posting regularly is essential to increase your followers and reach across social platforms, as automating posts can be extremely helpful to share content at specific intervals. However, when doing this, it’s vital that you ensure these posts are personalised and targeted just as much as if you were live posting them. This will give the impression that you are interacting at different times with your audience, as well as keeping your content fresh. Posting stagnant, impersonal content could deter your followers and decrease interaction.

Unique content for each platform

It’s good to have a presence on multiple social media platforms, but it’s important not to compromise on the quality of the content that you’re sharing. There are different etiquettes across even the most popular social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus, so you should see where you get the most engagement with potential customers. Each social network has a different style and approach, so you should tailor what you share in line with this.

Share direct and interesting content

The content that you share across your social media is also key to building a followership. It’s great to ask questions and seek to interact with those viewing your posts, but you shouldn’t appear needy and beg people to follow you or like your posts. Instead, share a mix of interesting off-page content and on-page content such as blogs that are up to date and current. Ensure that your spelling and grammar is correct at all times or you risk losing credibility.

Find out more by taking a look at “Using The Top 5 Social Networks To Share Content”, or get in touch with one of our team today on 020 7100 0726.