SEO – Search Engine Optimisation – is basically the process of making your website searchable and crawlable by search engines. Doing this not only helps to improve brand visibility but will give you the best possible chance of being found by new customers. Robust SEO is a vital part of your marketing strategy and can ensure that investments you make in your website really pay off.

The benefits of SEO

  • Being seen. When it comes to search results, most people only check the first page so if your website doesn’t feature on it then you’re unlikely to be seen. Effectively using SEO will improve the chances of your business appearing in those all essential first 10 results.
  • Being found for the right keywords. Searches online are mostly via keywords – i.e. the words and terms that we use to find the things that we want. SEO, such as creating high quality content that contains keywords that are important to your business, will help to ensure that you are being found by the people who are searching for what you offer. Make sure you have a good looking and easy to use website – but don’t forget how important the content is for SEO too.
  • Becoming a ‘go to.’ If you have strong SEO content on your website that is not only expert but also written in a way that is accessible for your audience then you will become a go to for people looking for expertise and insight in your field. And if people love your website then search engines will love it too and it will get shown to even more potential customers in a very satisfying self-fulfilling circle. If you want to know what kind of content will help you achieve this then make sure you have plenty of insight into what your audience is searching for (e.g. do a keyword study).

What does good SEO look like?

There are a number of different components to consider if you’re looking to improve your SEO.

  • Do an SEO audit. When you start creating goals around SEO, a good place to start is with an audit. Look at all your current online assets, including websites and social profiles, and analyse the existing situation compared to where you’d like to be.
  • Complete market research. Look at what others in your sector are doing to achieve a bigger share of the audience online. What has worked best for your competitors and what will (or won’t) work for you?
  • Create a plan. There are lots of different elements of SEO to consider when you’re putting together a plan to improve this part of your marketing. For example, you’ll need to consider on-page SEO, as well as off-page SEO, technical SEO and local SEO.

The main benefit of SEO is that your business is going to get more traffic online, which can lead to more leads and sales. The process of improving SEO is often simple and can have really powerful results. To find out how Iconic Digital can help you with your SEO, get in touch today and call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Search Engine Optimisation Agency in London.