Recent statistics indicate that 97% of online users today are looking for a local business. And when you also consider that 78% are searching on a mobile it becomes even more important to have a strategy in place to ensure that your business shows up in local searches – and on Maps. The main motivation for investing in local SEO and a Google Business Profile is to help drive more traffic to your website and widen your audience – so, how do you do it?


  • Optimise your Google Business Profile. Maps search results will display a Google 3-pack at the top, which are the three best search results that match the user’s query. Being featured in this can give you a huge uplift in website traffic. Google will take into account proximity, relevancy and prominence when selecting the 3-pack. So, make sure your Google Business Profile is properly set up and then take steps to optimise it. Q&As, reviews, images and useful content will all have a part to play in giving your enterprise the best chance of being discovered.
  • Improve local SEO. The link between your website and your Google Business Profile is going to have an impact on where you rank in terms of local SEO. The local markers on your website should all be sending the right messages, from embedding maps into your contact page to ensuring that the website header and footer have the right local address on them. Regular technical SEO details will also make a difference, including page speed and a navigation structure that works.
  • Create content that will drive local awareness. It can be useful to have a quick look at competitor websites to see where they are adding in local content that can help to get more traffic. Key pages for this type of content include the home and contact pages, as well as your blog and also the location page if you have one. Everything from local news and events to community based content and making references to your location in what you’re publishing on your web pages could help you to drive more traffic through local SEO in 2023.
  • Citation building can be important. Citations are essentially mentions of your business online, whether or not they are linked to your website. Structured citations come from review sites etc while unstructured citations could be social media mentions, for example. In order to be beneficial for local SEO, these citations need to include the business name, phone number and address.
  • Online reviews drive local SEO. It makes a lot of sense to have a system in place for encouraging online reviews so that you can generate as many as possible – because search engines really like them. That could be a ‘thank you’ email to customers with a link to a review site, for example, or using social reviews on Facebook. It’s critical to respond to your reviews – and particularly important to get good at dealing diplomatically with any bad ones.

If you want to get more traffic in 2023, local SEO and Google Business Profile can help.

The main benefit of SEO is that your business is going to get more traffic online, which can lead to more leads and sales. The process of improving SEO is often simple and can have really powerful results. To find out how Iconic Digital can help you with your SEO, get in touch today and call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Search Engine Optimisation Agency in London.