Google Search Console is a very powerful tool for any business. The data accessible through it is broader and more accurate than almost any other tool and provides a unique opportunity to understand whether the SEO strategy and techniques that you’ve put in place are really working. If you’re looking to improve SEO via Google Search Console then there are some simple ways to do it.

How to use Google Search Console

Despite the fact that Google Search Console has so much to offer when it comes to increasing traffic and improving digital presence, many people don’t find it that intuitive to use. That’s why this search term has become so popular in recent years. But, especially because this is a free platform with a powerful selection of tracking and analysis options, it’s well worth getting to know it. The purpose of Google Search Console is to provide guidance on how to improve SEO performance and there are lots of options it offers to make this happen, including tracking keyword rankings, impressions and organic traffic, understanding index coverage, being able to see security issues and analyse backlink data. These are some of the simplest ways to give your SEO a boost using Google Search Console.

  • Make sure Google is properly crawling the site. Google Search Console allows you to see how Google approaches your site, which pages are indexed, when they were last crawled and if there are any enhancements. You can use this information to add enhancements that boost SERPs and avoid wasting budget by using “no index, no follow” directions to ensure Google is crawling your most important pages.
  • Identify that Google understands which keywords you’re targeting. High quality content that focuses on expertise and skills within your brand is one of the fastest ways to boost the number of keywords your site ranks for. You’ll be able to see in Google Search Console whether the content you’re posting is working and you’re getting ranked for specific search terms. If you find your keywords aren’t ranking there are a number of fixes you can try, including different content and checking your metadata.
  • Deal with any page and performance issues showing up. Google Search Console will give you an overview of the quality of a page’s overall experience, including core web vitals (such as site speed, load times etc) and security. Although you may have to work with a web developer to fix any issues, Google Search Console is an easy way to see what might be holding your site back right now in SEO terms.
  • Carry out SEO A/B testing. This is a simple way to test specific optimisations so that you can boost the average position across all of your keywords. The daily tracking options in Google Search Console will give you instant data on whether those optimisations are working. When you find a successful optimisation you can quickly implement it across other pages.

Google Search Console has a lot to offer and can be a key tool to improve SEO once you get to know its processes. To find out how Iconic Digital can help your business rank higher on search engines, get in touch today and call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Search Engine Optimisation Agency in London.