Steve Pailthorpe, CEO here at Iconic Digital, was appointed as a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Marketors last month. Alongside the other six new Freemen, at 29, Steve is the youngest Freeman ever to have been appointed in the Company.

Details of the event

The white tie event was held on 28th July 2015 at a meeting of the Ceremonial Court at Mansion House to celebrate the appointment of the new Freemen and their experience and insight within the marketing industry. In particular, this demonstrates the movement towards digital marketing strategies worldwide, with Iconic Digital at the forefront.

About The Worshipful Company of Marketors

The Worshipful Company of Marketors is one of 125 City Livery Companies, and members have demonstrated excellence within the marketing industry. Each of them works towards promoting marketing within the City of London and the benefits that is can bring to the public and economy. Each member of The Marketors aims to offer their own knowledge and experience to guide research and leadership within both the Company and the wider profession.

A landmark year for The Marketors

This year marks the 40th anniversary for the company, with Andrew Marsden, Master for 2015/16, commenting that the “theme for this year is building valuable brands, and digital marketing has become a fundamental part of every successful company’s brand strategy.” He also remarked that “[Steve] is an exceptional young talent who brings a wealth of digital expertise and will add great value to The Marketors.”

Iconic Digital and the Worshipful Company of Marketors

Steve is delighted to be appointed as a Freeman of the Company, and commented that “It is a real honour and a privilege to be welcomed as a Freeman of the Livery, particularly as I will be the youngest member.” He also shared his thoughts about the contribution that Iconic Digital will have to play within the Company, saying that “As we seek to develop thought leadership within the digital space, being part of the Marketors will enable us to forge even greater links, both within the Square Mile and the rest of the marketing community here in London.”