When they think about their digital marketing, many businesses are aware that it is important; however they may focus on one element such as social media to try to create an online presence for themselves. Although this can be a good start, there is much more to marketing your business online. It can be difficult for companies to know where to start, but there are a number of strategies that have proven themselves to demonstrate long-standing success, including the following:

Producing regular content

Content is a key part of any successful digital marketing strategy. Producing regular content consistently demonstrates your engagement in up to date news, products, techniques or skills, promotes you as a thought-leader amongst your competitors. You should be producing four fresh pieces of content, or blogs, per month, or at the very minimum, two. These must be blogs that are written in-house, that contain new and relevant content, or that take a fresh approach to a previous topic.

Social media to increase audience reach

Social media is an incredibly useful tool when used correctly. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus all act as a means by which you can increase your audience reach and interact with more potential customers.

Businesses must differentiate between the different social platforms and use them according to best practice – for example you should be posting five times throughout the day on Twitter, whilst noticeably less on Facebook, such as once a week. In addition to this, social platforms are useful to share your content. This will engage new readers and direct them to your site, generate links, and increase engagement.

SEO at the centre

SEO should be at the centre of your digital marketing strategy. This means incorporating industry specific keywords into the content of your site. You should also optimise your meta-descriptions, which are what will appear in Google search. Using alt tags containing keywords, and name files appropriately with keywords when using imagery, will bolster ranking in search. You should also ensure that your blogs contain keywords – check that at least 3-5% of all text on your site is made up of these industry keywords.

Don’t be put off by email marketing

Despite the bad reputation that email marketing sometimes gets, it’s actually a very effective way to generate leads and make contact with new contacts about an offer, service or event that you are running. As long as you buy data from reliable and reputable data brokers and ensure that these are good quality contacts, you can be assured that you are emailing contacts legitimately. You must include certain best practice features such as the ability to unsubscribe from future emails to avoid any legal issues. Email marketing can be daunting, so take a look at how to begin here.

If you’re looking to refresh your digital marketing strategy, or would like some advice, I’d love to meet for a coffee. You can reach me on 020 7100 0726.