Sales and marketing are two ends of the same spectrum – and business growth will struggle without equal attention to detail on both. Being able to achieve an integrated approach to sales and marketing can provide a big boost to the business and one of the simplest ways many organisations can achieve this is working with a marketing agency. These are just some of the ways that an effective sales strategy, informed by the input of a marketing agency, can make a real difference.

  • A comprehensive way to shape the buyer journey. The customer profiles and buyer personas you build will have a big impact on how successful your sales strategy is and a marketing agency has a lot to add to this. From insight into buying habits, basic information about who customers are, as well as where you can find them, this kind of vital information can come from partnering with a marketing agency.
  • Creating a more credible message. Working with a marketing agency will give your team access to valuable marketing content that can be used to drive sales through pitches, phone calls etc. This is content that has been specifically designed to educate, inspire, advise and support with your audience and your branding in mind. The result is messaging that is consistent and credible and much more likely to be effective.
  • Saving time and money. The input of a marketing agency can show you where you can make savings on sales and marketing budgets, as well as optimise your processes and systems to make them more efficient overall – and to generate more ROI. You’ll have access to genuinely useful analytics that will enable you to track lead flow and other metrics, as well as how these influence overall sales. A more integrated approach can drive more positive results for sales within the business, putting all the insight, tools and marketing strategy of your agency partner to work to help your business enhance reputation and increase sales.
  • More emphasis on the bottom line. If you’re handling marketing in-house then it could be an afterthought or it might simply not get the attention it deserves. The reality is that most businesses don’t thrive without effective marketing in place and this will negatively impact the bottom line. When you bring in the experts you can start to create a genuinely seamless process that ensures that your marketing and sales strategies are directed towards the same goals and no effort is being wasted.
  • No more lost opportunities. Marketing can seem like magic to those without the expertise and this kind of mystery is just not helpful if you’re trying to generate growth in the business and build a bigger audience. When you bring a marketing agency in you’re dispelling the mystery and putting clear, tangible tools at your disposal. Data can be better managed and leads will never disappear because they haven’t been properly nurtured.

These are just some of the reasons why a marketing agency is integral to your sales strategy. To find out more about Iconic Digital’s award-winning digital marketing services get in contact today on 020 7100 0726.