With the way modern technology has evolved in recent years, companies are trying to adapt the way they do marketing. They are changing their business models to incorporate an online approach with digital marketing. Being able to attract targeted audiences online shows the difference between a thriving, successful business and a failing one. Even if you are bringing in a ton of traffic to your website it will not amount to anything unless you are able to convert them into leads and sales. Digital marketing provides business owners the best chances for survival and business growth. So why does every company need a digital marketing strategy?

Digital marketing levels the online playing field

Digital marketing gives SMEs a chance to compete against larger companies by giving them a share of the targeted traffic. It gives them the ability to perform sales and marketing processes that were previously only available to larger corporations. Without the use of a call centre a small business can effectively engage with multiple customers, and now with digital marketing they can reach customers on a global scale.

Being cost-effective

Many businesses have limited resources and digital marketing provides them with a cost-effective approach to marketing. Up to 40% of businesses have claimed massive savings and better results by incorporating an effective strategy. Outside of initial website development, maintenance is low cost, and the main social media platforms are all free to use, including Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and LinkedIn. Therefore the only cost is investing time and resources into creating engaging online posts.

Delivers conversion

A digital marketing strategy enables you to track and measure ROI by monitoring incoming traffic which gets converted into leads. Without conversions, all of the traffic that you are driving towards your website could be a waste of time and money as you would not be making a return. Tailoring your website to mobile users will have a big effect on your conversion rate.

Caters to the mobile consumer

With the use of mobile devices rapidly increasing it’s vital for business owners to take advantage of the opportunities mobiles has to offer. Mobile devices are now a central part of everyday life, and integral to how we communicate. This will enable your company to achieve a much faster rate of growth and expansion. There are many benefits to having a digital marketing strategy in place for your company primarily your audience reach and brand awareness. Not only is it cost effective but it will enable you to grow and expand at a much faster rate. Having to right guidance and support with setting up your digital marketing strategy is imperative.

For more advice getting started with your company’s digital marketing strategy give me a call today on 020 7100 0726.