Digital marketing is about reaching new customers and giving them the opportunity to see just how much your products or services could benefit them. The right approach can drive up sales, build audience, improve visibility and even set your organisation apart as a thought leader. So, how do you level up your digital marketing to start achieving more with it? Here are four simple steps to get started.

  1. Start investing in digital advertising. If you’re not already doing this then it might be time to start. Digital advertising is one of the simplest ways to attract attention to your business and you can use it to either shine a spotlight on the business as a whole or to focus on a specific product or promotion. Digital ads come in many different formats today, from web pop-ups to social media ads and finding the right channel and type for your business is a powerful way to level up your digital marketing.
  2. Do more with content marketing. This often takes the form of blogs or articles for your website and can create an advantage for the business in a number of ways. For example, it gives visitors to your website interesting content to engage with, be entertained by and benefit from – while also driving them towards your products and services and setting your brand up as a thought leader. Content marketing can also drive traffic to your website and help to improve SEO. Content should be useful to customers and help to build brand awareness. It’s also essential to include keywords if better SEO is the goal.
  3. Be more effective with social media marketing. Social media platforms represent a wide range of opportunities to engage with customers today, whether you use them as a customer service tool or a way to improve visibility or reinforce brand tone. Social media is also a quick and useful market research tool, a way to instantly gauge how your customer base feels about certain topics or products. A visible social presence is something that customers tend to expect today so it’s vital to remaining competitive. Engaging more with social media marketing can provide a lot of opportunities for any enterprise, whether that’s ads, launching marketing campaigns, strengthening brand message or interacting directly with customers.
  4. Create more video and animation. Written content marketing remains vital but there are also lots of opportunities in greater use of video and animation in your digital marketing. Video ads attract the eye, for example, so they will stand out online and many people find video easier to engage with. Video content can also provide some humanisation for a brand, which can impact how much more likely people are to buy from you – plus it’s a great way to demonstrate how something works or what a product is really like. Animations also work incredibly well when it comes to a ‘how to’ type video or explaining concepts through effective imagery.

If you’re keen to improve your digital marketing efforts these 4 steps are a simple and effective way to help you do it. To find out more about Iconic Digital’s award-winning digital marketing services get in contact today on 020 7100 0726.