Inbound marketing is all about organic, user-oriented growth. It contributes to the bottom line of businesses, and works towards expanding your businesses in an effective and sustainable way to drive ROI. So how can you convince your CEO that inbound marketing is necessary, and what could it bring to your business?

Do your research into inbound marketing

Before you propose your inbound marketing strategy, you’ll need to get a clear idea about how inbound marketing through content and social media platforms can help encourage business growth and generate leads. Once you have some statistics, you’ll have a stronger case to propose to your CEO with examples to backup how inbound marketing can generate return on investment.

What is inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing is the process of generating incoming enquiries through the use of demand generation tactics across a variety of marketing channels. The technique is in stark contrast to outbound marketing strategies such as cold calling. Inbound marketing is effective because it works to engage your audience through search, advertising, content marketing, and social media before allowing them to pursue their interest further. This is a great way of driving relevant traffic to your site, and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Clarify your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Inbound marketing will affect your revenue in a number of ways, and there are some KPIs that you can look at to use inbound marketing to improve the business. These include reducing the cost per lead and improving the site traffic to lead ratio conversion will also improve as your prospects are more likely to already be genuinely interested. Search engine optimisation and marketing automation are at the centre of lead generation and inbound marketing. Inbound marketing can help to reduce the cost that it takes to generate these leads.

Choosing to use inbound marketing strategies for your business

Inbound marketing is a strong strategy for lead generation and could save your company a large sum of money with a high return on investment. Find out more about inbound marketing strategies and consider outsourced marketing.