Relevance is a foundation of digital marketing today – ensuring that every visitor to your website is being engaged on a personal level is key. In fact, it can boost conversion-to-lead by up to 10%. Personalisation is where many big brands have found the solutions to ensuring relevance, from Amazon to Netflix. Now, as this type of bespoke approach becomes available to a much broader range of businesses, it’s becoming increasingly essential to ensure that relevance is built into your marketing strategy.

Relevance in marketing strategy

If you’re looking to make your marketing strategy more relevance-driven then embracing personalisation is by far the simplest way to do it. There are four key reasons to integrate personalisation that will put relevance at the heart of your strategy going forward.

  • Give your customers what they actually want. Making it a central plank of your marketing strategy that the content you create and distribute is actually relevant to the customers you’re sending it to has a lot of advantages. Irrelevant content upsets 70% of millennials, for example, and generic communications can isolate you from the audience you’re trying hardest to connect with. Mass personalisation isn’t difficult today thanks to technology so make sure that your marketing strategy is built around this.
  • Boost your financial results. There is a big difference between reaching a lot of people with your marketing and reaching a lot of the right people with the right messaging. Mass generic marketing might drop into a lot of inboxes or feeds but how much of that effort will actually result in conversions? Personalised marketing experiences are satisfying for consumers and are much more likely to result in engagement. This can boost revenues in the short term and help to nurture a profitable long-term relationship too.
  • Increase ROI. Opportunities to boost return on marketing investment are few and far between, especially in the current circumstances. However, weaving personalisation through your marketing strategy to make it more relevant has a lot of potential where ROI is concerned. If you’re more tuned in to what customers want from your brand and more focused on ensuring that you’re delivering this via your digital marketing then an increase in ROI is almost inevitable. That might be via greater customer loyalty more opportunities for upselling, strengthening loyalty or improving acquisition.
  • An optimised customer journey. Putting relevance at the heart of your marketing strategy can help to optimise almost every stage of the customer journey. A focus on relevance via personalisation helps to improve customer experience throughout, from the first time that a consumer encounters your businesses to their initial interactions with your content and the points in the journey at which engagement and conversion occur.

Making a marketing strategy relevant isn’t just about tailoring it to your business’ vision, values and projected outcomes. It’s also about integrating personalisation as broadly as possible to make it relevant to your audience. That way consumers start to build a genuine relationship with your brand and your marketing can start to deliver more positive results, both in the short and the long term.