Customer experience has become an essential component in effective digital marketing. Over the past year, expectations have shifted once again due to the influence of key factors, such as more sophisticated technology and the increase in remote interactions as a result of the pandemic. Providing a positive customer experience is vital – 63% of customers are more likely to share data with brands that offer a better customer experience – which is why it’s now a central part of digital marketing strategies.

Positive customer experience benefits everyone

Nowadays, customers are focused on the brand experience that companies deliver, creating more opportunities for your business to develop a loyal customer base. For example, using data collected to carry out an in-depth analysis of customer behaviour and purchase intent insights. Products and services can be customised for personalisation and acquisition, retention and development strategies for customers can be better informed and more effective. There are a number of key ways in which customer experience is transforming digital marketing today.

  • Access to new channels of engagement. Any digital marketing strategy needs to take into account a wide range of channels of engagement in order to be effective. One of those that is driven by customer experience is intelligent assistant technology. This market is growing at a significant pace – it is expected to reach $1,377.0 billion by 2027. It is already a channel that provides better customer experience performance for many organisations.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP offers many different ways to help improve customer experience, in particular because it provides insight into the real meaning behind consumer search. There are also many NLP tools that exist that are designed to help create content that is more likely to engage customers and chatbots that leverage NLP have huge power to improve positive customer experience through personalised recommendations and swift answers to queries.
  • Using AI based algorithms for product suggestions. Product recommendation strategies can support better customer experience and so are increasingly forming a key part of digital marketing strategy. You don’t have to look far to find effective examples of this – Amazon’s recommendation engine employs AI to help it make the right recommendations to customers. Innovative tools such as gamification can leverage this technology into a simple way to get feedback from even the most difficult customers, which can be used to transform customer experience overall.
  • Ensuring security is a top priority. The issue of security is no longer just ‘something for the tech team’ and needs to be a part of any digital marketing strategy with customer experience at its heart. A less than secure interaction will not only ruin a customer’s experience but also destroy their trust in the business and create a negative brand reputation. Cyber threats increase every day so it’s essential to have robust security measures wherever digital marketing is being delivered and sales made, from protecting data to providing secure two-factor authentication for log-ins.

Customer experience is a vital part of any effective digital marketing strategy today and a key component in ensuring that your business is meeting its goals.

Iconic Digital specialise in creating dynamic and effective strategies that produce quantifiable results for your business. Request a Free Marketing Audit with the expert team at Iconic Digital to see how we can help you reach your growth goals through innovative, strategic digital marketing campaigns.