In the sales and marketing realm, we’re continuously working to convert leads into customers. Top of the class are the marketing teams that invest and utilise automated marketing tools and respective best practices associated, creating highly engaged users, and tracking all available touch-points of the lifecycle journey. But what do you need to consider when assessing if your company is getting the best out of what marketing automation has to offer? Here are the key points:

Have you optimised your marketing performance?

Creating effective campaigns, identifying segments, analyzing the results, and tailoring subsequent messaging to nurture and convert leads can prove time consuming. You’ll no doubt be wondering how your team can achieve this without becoming a 24/7 marketing sweatshop. That’s where Marketing Automation (MA) comes in. You may have already adopted a marketing automation platform to streamline your department and remove the endless spreadsheets, but that’s just scraping the surface! MA is a lot more powerful and so much more than that.

So, what’s next?

With greater knowledge comes greater power; leading marketers are making the most of MA to turn leads into customers. By tracking real-time activities such as page views and clicks, they can tailor their content to increase engagement and therefore likelihood of conversion. Storing this data and creating dashboard reports in the platform enables your team to constantly review the results make informed decisions on what is and isn’t working. By not leaving it to chance, you can create and map out marketing formulas that deliver.

Tracking customer behavior and gathering insights into how leads engage with your website, enables you and your team to optimise your campaign messaging, ensuring you are sending tailored content, to the right leads at the best time.

For social media marketing, it gets better: using MA to its fullest, you’ll be able to identify where your best customers are, about their conversations, and who else in the industry they’re engaging with. Marketing Automation can help you identify the best times to schedule and post your content, and personalize your messaging to really speak to your target audience.

What about your content marketing?

A great Marketing Automation platform should have the ability to store your marketing materials, so if you’re creating collateral such as blog articles, newsletters, webinars and whitepapers, you have easy access at any given time. Benefit from cloud storage, enabling your team – both in-house and remote – to collaborate and create joined-up campaigns referencing existing materials, building your content library in a single place.

Where does email marketing come in?

While many of you will already be familiar with lifecycle campaigns, such as introducing new customers or subscribers to your company, or even within the retail sector with activation series that encourage first purchase, you may not be aware of exactly how MA can streamline your email marketing processes.

Marketing Automation in email marketing is about creating workflows that specify who gets what, when and what happens in certain situations, such as if a lead clicks triggering a behavior you wanted to encourage, but much further down the line. Instead of spending hours tweaking your segmented lists and creative, you can create dynamic list in your CRM and automatically trigger campaigns to help nurture leads into converting to paid up customers.

So, are you making the most of your Marketing Automation platform? If you are, pat on the back. If not, get in touch and find out how we can help you.