Whether you’re the Marketing Director of a large corporation, or an SME, time is not often something that is going spare. It is estimated that, on average, up to 30% of your total budget should be spent on marketing to help business growth and generate sales. This can mean that a large proportion of time also needs to be spent managing this marketing strategy, which can put a strain on your in-house resources. What’s more, digital marketing is a very specialist part of your marketing strategy. It requires expert knowledge in the latest SEO techniques, social media strategies and marketing automation platforms. Digital marketing plays a key role in establishing your business online, particularly as use of technology continues to develop and grow in this digital age. With this in mind, here are 10 reasons to outsource your online marketing to a digital marketing agency:

#1 Free up in-house resources

When you allow a specialist digital marketing agency to manage your digital marketing strategy, you free up in-house resources and relieve the pressure on your in-house staff. Your team can then focus on their core strengths, whilst all digital areas of marketing are taken care of by experts. At the same time, you can deliver relevant content and updates to your digital audience by working together with a digital agency. You will also benefit from the extra research and expertise about followers engagement and generating visitors to your website.

#2 Staff cost savings

Using a digital agency will give you the benefit of access to a whole team, with dedicated project managers for specific elements, who can keep you updated at all times, and send you regular reports. This can save you costs compared to taking on a full-time digital expert in-house. Additionally, HR costs are reduced since staff are outsourced. As well as this, they’ll always be looking to deliver a consistently high level of service in order to continue working with you – this is why we choose at Iconic to work on a rolling 3-monthly basis – it keeps us on our toes and ensures that our customers are always satisfied!

#3 Gain expert knowledge

Allowing professional digital marketers to take control of your digital strategy will allow you to gain expert knowledge. They can deliver a bespoke strategy to increase your lead generation, brand awareness and market engagement. Their experience of different marketing campaigns will give them the best knowledge about how to approach your campaigns to deliver the highest volume of high quality leads, and great ROI.

#4 Different insight

Utilising the services of a digital agency will give you a different perspective. They will look at your digital marketing from the viewpoint of your customers and prospects to tailor your approach to encourage more visitors to your site and help you to establish a strong brand image online. Their knowledge of how to get prospects to become customers will be invaluable, and will offer an insight into which elements of your products and services will be the most interesting and will generate high levels of engagement.

#5 Greater flexibility

Digital marketing agencies can provide you with greater flexibility. This is because they can tailor the services they offer to fit your bespoke requirements and they can scale these up and down when necessary. There may be peak times of the year where you need to be running a huge volume of campaigns, compared to quieter times of year where this isn’t necessary. This can make it difficult for you to balance in-house resources or justify bringing on new members of full-time staff, however your outsourced team can allocate resources as and when required.

#6 Improved productivity

With the digital aspects of your marketing taken care of, you can allocate resources in-house and create a more productive working environment. The success of your campaigns falls on your outsourced partner to deliver results, which decreases the pressure on your marketing team. The digital agency is incentivised by the desire to continue working for you, meaning that they will constantly work to produce measurable results and ROI.

If you’re looking to outsource your marketing or to find out more about what working with a digital agency could bring to your business, give one of the Iconic team a call today on 020 7100 0726.

Author: Steve Pailthorpe – Follow us on Google+