Returns on investment in email copywriting can be high. However, that depends on the content you’re creating and how effective this is in terms of encouraging conversion. Email copywriting for the purposes of marketing could be designed with many objectives in mind – whether that’s getting people to sign up, make a purchase or just building strong relationships with your customer base, the better it is the more effective it’s likely to be. These are our top tips for getting your email copywriting just right.

Set a goal for your emails

When you have a target in place then you’ll have something to measure the outcome by so that you can see just how effective your email copywriting is – and make changes if it’s not hitting the mark. Your goal could be something as simple as blog post views but make sure that you identify this before the emails go out.

Always write from the heart of your brand

When someone opens an email from your business it should be recognisably on brand. To achieve that you need to put some time and effort into defining your brand voice, content, colours and brand guidelines that will help keep all your communication consistent.

Proof and edit everything before you send it

We all know how off-putting typos and grammatical errors can be so don’t take any chances when it comes to your email copywriting.

Keep it concise

Did you know that more than 300 billion emails are sent every day? We’re already dealing with a huge volume of messages and yours will be more effective if you deliver it concisely. Plus, if you’re being lean with words then the reader is more likely to get to the end of whatever you want them to read than if they have to plough through paragraphs to get to the point.

Make use of the email preview text

So that you don’t end up with overly long subject lines or email body text that is too short, make sure you’re using the email preview text. This is the short paragraph of text that is underneath the subject line in the inbox view. The easiest way to make this effective is to use it as the second half of the subject line.

Work on the Call To Action (CTA)

Your CTA is what will motivate your reader to take action as a result of opening your email so it’s an incredibly important part of email copywriting. There are some effective tools available to help make your CTA productive, including using active words, staying on brand and expressing brand personality, as well as avoiding any vague or non-descriptive words or sentences.

Use copy testing and A/B testing

This will give you an opportunity to see how effective different approaches to email content are and whether what you’re creating is getting better as you go along.

Effective email copywriting is an incredibly powerful marketing tool and these are some of the best ways to make the most of this resource.

To find out how Iconic Digital can help your email marketing strategy, get in touch today and call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Email Marketing Automation Agency in London.