When email marketing works it really works. But how do you get into the practice of sending emails to customers who actually want to hear from you – people who will open, and engage with, your emails? These are our tips on how to improve the way you approach email marketing and boost your email open rates.

  • Make sure your opt-in is GDPR compliant. Before the GDPR arrived in 2018 many organisations were in the habit of having a pre-checked box for communication preferences. The idea being that customers didn’t really notice or have the chance to say no. Now, this has been replaced with the requirement for a clear opt-in that shows customers actually want to subscribe to your newsletter or join your list. The benefit of this is that your subscriber list is full of people who are actually receptive to what you’re sending out – increasing the chances of opens and conversions.
  • Make contact within 24 hours. When a prospect opts in with your business they are thinking about it and it’s important to capitalise on this window of opportunity. Set up an automated workflow so that, as soon as someone joins your list, they are instantly provided with information about the brand and options for what might happen next. This is the moment in which they are likely to be especially ready to open emails.
  • Don’t send corporate emails. It’s a simple fact that you can increase your email open rates by sending out your emails from a person rather than from the company. Recipients are much more likely to trust an email that has come from an individual – and more likely to open it too.
  • Create some clear and informative preview text. Most email clients will display the first few lines from the body of the email and some email management systems give you the option to create this separately. The preview text should show someone what’s in the email and the more engaging it is, the more likely they are to open it.
  • Subject lines make all the difference. Your email subject lines should be very clear about what is in the email, why someone should open it and be enticing and easy to understand in a single glance. Limit your subject lines to 50 characters max so that they are not getting cut off by mobile devices and target your messaging specifically at your buying personas.
  • Make sure your emails are short and to the point. We’re all busy people and no one wants to read a novel when they open an email just to get to the point. Keep your message concise so that it’s easy to digest – and also to avoid triggering spam filters.
  • Include a CTA. Especially if your email has been opened by someone who doesn’t want to read the content but just wants to decide if they want to act, the CTA button will be vital for triggering that next step.

If you want to improve your email open rates then you can achieve a lot with these top tips.

To find out how Iconic Digital can help your email marketing strategy, get in touch today and call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Email Marketing Automation Agency in London.