Surprisingly enough, there are those in the world of digital marketing that still think that email marketing was always a passing fad. Especially lagging companies. CMOs and top executives at these companies are neglecting email marketing and spending time on other avenues for lead generation and prospect conversion. From multichannel avenues such as social media, landing pages on websites and webinars, while these avenues are still alive and well, email marketing isn’t the frontrunner.

But what’s happening is the opposite. For example, email conversion rates are three times higher than social media, with a 17% higher value in the conversion, according to McKinsey & Company. And according to Direct Marketing News, 48% of consumers say that they prefer to communicate with brands via email.

If you’re struggling to make sales, you might just need email marketing to get your life back. Let’s explore 5 ways you can do so.

Don’t send messages too frequently

Ever sign up on an email list and then receive two or three messages a day? Chances are good that you promptly hit that unsubscribe button. Identify the most appropriate frequency for your brand and target audience and email responsibly.

Get to the point – brevity is your friend

People don’t have the time or the patience to sift through five paragraphs of dense text before getting to the meat of your message. Particularly with the popularity of mobile devices, it’s important to communicate in easily digestible formats. Bulleted lists, for example, can make your major points stand out.

Look sharp – it’s a visual world

Appearance matters, including for your email messages. Not only should your context be designed to fit with your overall brand image for recognition, it should also adapt well across devices.

Use concise, witty, enticing subject lines

You’re competing for attention with people’s friends and the other businesses they engage with. To win that important inbox click, you need to offer a compelling reason that doesn’t require a whole lot of effort for people to discern.

Keep it personal and relevant

You can automate customized messages to offer consumers more helpful, appropriate information, but make sure you do it right. Not all topics are good bases for personalisation. Find out how Brakes Bros used personalised, dynamic content in their emails and achieved a 15% click-through rate in result.

Send emails at optimal times

Using analytics, you should determine the best times and days of the week to send messages for your particular market segment. Here are some of our findings.