We’ve heard time and time again that content is king and it really is everywhere today. We consume it constantly, which is what makes it so valuable for any business – each piece of content is an opportunity to drive valuable online traffic to your funnel and encourage an audience to take the action that you want them to. These are the key content marketing facts that we think you need to know.

  1. For content marketing to be effective you need to understand the buyer’s journey. That means looking at your audience and being able to understand what stage they are at. For example, customers that are at the awareness stage are basically gathering information, while those who have reached the consideration stage could be about to take action if the right content reaches them at the right time (e.g. testimonials).
  2. You also need to have a strategy. Even the best content won’t perform that well if it’s not being used strategically. So, make sure that you’re very clear on the goals and objectives that you have when it comes to content marketing and then find the right type of content for the right audience segment. Other factors to bear in mind with strategy include timing, consistency and scheduling.
  3. Some content is more effective than other content. Not all content is going to be the same when it comes to performance. If you want your content to be very effective then it needs to be relevant to your audience, it needs to be personalised and it should offer some kind of value. Find out how Iconic Digital can help create content for your business, get in touch today, call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Content Marketing Agency in London.
  4. Social listening is a great tool for inspiration. This will help you to find out what people are saying about your brand, industry and competitors, as well as their own problems, all of which can be useful content inspiration.
  5. There are two main types of content to consider when you’re looking at content marketing. The first is topical content, which is current, newsworthy and covers the subjects that others might be talking about. The second type of content is evergreen, which has a much longer lifespan and offers solutions to problems that don’t necessarily change.
  6. Creating customer personas can be very helpful. The more you understand your customers, the more you can create content that will appeal to them and which they will be able to use. Customer personas will include a range of information, from location to gender, age, what someone does for a living, the device they are using and their buyer behaviours.
  7. It’s also important to tailor your strategy to those personas. Look at your most accessible audiences, allocate budget to those that are a priority, make sure you focus on the content those audiences most enjoy – and then create.
  8. Look at the content your competitors create. There is a lot of useful data in reviewing the competition, from when they post their most successful posts to the social platforms they use and their SEO approach.

Content marketing is vital to business growth today and these are some of the key facts that you need to know about it. Find out how Iconic Digital can help create content for your business, get in touch today, call us on 020 7100 0726. Find out more about our Content Marketing Agency in London.