Boosting the position of your site on search engine ranking pages is a key focus for any business today, as this is one of the simplest ways to improve revenue generation and attract a broader customer base. Basic SEO techniques used to be enough to achieve this but with the arrival of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning that has all begun to change. Now, it’s essential for any digital marketing strategy to take into account the need to optimise Google’s SEO AI too.


Although AI is incredibly effective – in sales and marketing it can generate a 6 – 10% increase in revenue – it’s not going to replace SEO any time soon. Instead, the key is to be able to use AI to boost SEO rankings, whether that is in identifying content gaps thanks to AI analysis or having a better understanding of the way AI driven algorithms work.There are a number of key ways in which AI can help you to boost your Google SEO.

  • Identifying hidden ranking opportunities. AI SEO tools can provide key insights into areas where you might be missing a trick, for example link building opportunities or keywords that you could use to boost your SEO. With competition online fierce right now, being able to see the opportunities that others are missing could be invaluable.
  • Catering to voice search. The number of voice assistants is going to exceed eight billion in the next few years – more than the population of the planet. This is a key growth area for SEO and one where AI has a big role to play, whether that is in helping to create more conversational content or identifying the questions that voice searchers are asking.
  • Uncovering content opportunities. AI can help you to create content that solves specific problems for the audience that you’re looking to reach and is much more effectively targeted. This comes into play with respect to identifying trending topics, for example, or in highlighting content gaps that are ripe for exploitation. AI can also be used to tailor content for each stage in your funnel.
  • Improving content optimisation. The influence of AI can also make a big difference to content optimisation, helping you to go beyond basic on-page SEO techniques to incorporate a more sophisticated approach. That could be in creating topic clusters, for example, or understanding how long content pieces should be in order to have maximum impact.
  • Improving SEO efficiency and reach. Add AI to SEO and you remove the manual element of gathering, analysing and translating data and make processes much faster. Everything can be scaled – such as content creation – and automated (including content optimisation) to improve the results that you achieve.
  • Making websites more user friendly. With search engines now much more able to judge whether user experience exists on pages UX has become a priority that AI can support. AI powered tools can think like search engines to make suggestions about where UX could be improved to achieve better ranking results.

If you want to make the most of Google’s SEO AI for your website this is a great place to start.

To find out how Iconic Digital can help you improve your SEO and improve your return on your marketing spend, get in touch today and call us on 020 7100 0726. You can also explore our digital marketing services online today.